The impact of lifestyle characteristics on carotenoid intake in the United States: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey.

OBJECTIVES: This study compared mean carotenoid intake in the United States by demographic and lifestyle variables to identify potential high-risk subgroups for disease. METHODS: Adults 18 to 99 years of age (n = 22 080) completed a food frequency questionnaire in the 1987 National Health Interview Survey, and mean carotenoid intakes were estimated. RESULTS: Carotenoid intakes were lower among Whites (vs Blacks), current smokers (vs nonsmokers), nondrinkers (vs drinkers), adults 18 to 39 years of age (vs those 40 to 69 years of age), frequent restaurant consumers (vs those who ate at home), and less educated (vs college-educated) persons. CONCLUSIONS: The benefits of a carotenoid-rich diet should be communicated to high-risk subgroups.