ON PREVIOUS occasions one of us (Walters) has presented studies of 165 patients with stricture of the common and hepatic duct operated on from 1924 to 1947 inclusive.1 The present study is based on 100 patients on whom 113 operations were performed from 1948 through 1951. In this group were 11 patients on whom one of us (Walters) had previously operated for stricture.2The operative mortality rate was 7.1%. Since a thorough study of the cases prior to 1949 was presented at one of the meetings of a surgical association at that time and subsequently, in this presentation we shall confine our discussion principally to our recent study of patients operated on from 1948 through 1951. and shall reserve until another occasion a detailed comparison of the different groups of cases. In Table 1 are recorded the different types of surgical procedures used, the number of cases in