Characteristics of Groningen tracheo-oesophageal speaking valves prior to insertion and after removal for failure

The Groningen valve was first used in Sheffield in 1986 in a patient who underwent laryngectomy for malignant disease. Since then it has been the main tracheo-oesophageal prosthesis used on our Unit for speech rehabilitation post-laryngectomy. This biflanged device inserted primarily or as a secondary procedure remains in situ until failure occurs either because of leakage or because increased effort is required to produce satisfactory phonation. This in vitro study we examined the differences between new valves prior to insertion and those removed for failure. The mean forward opening pressures were shown to be similar in the two populations but the mean forward resistances were increased in those valves which were defective (P<0.001). In addition the mean reverse opening pressure was found to be significantly lower in the defective valves when compared with their new counterparts (p<0.05).