The Effect of Progressive Hypoxia on Respiration in the Toad Bufo Marinus

As Bufo marinus became progressively hypoxic over a period of 90 min, there was a rise in arterial pH, presumably brought about by hyperventilation. The alkalosis gradually disappeared when oxygen levels became very low. It is suggested that this is the result of a respiratory or a metabolic pH adjustment, or both. Hypoxic animals developed a characteristic breathing pattern in which discrete periods of lung ventilations alternated with buccal oscillations or respiratory pauses. A pronounced bradycardia was associated with the concomitant decline of inspired and arterial ⁠. Although respiratory rates were greater than normal resting values in the initial stages of post-hypoxia, the pre-exposure breathing pattern was quickly restored. Following recovery from bradycardia (60 min), the breathing rates, arterial blood gases and pHa returned to normal within 30 min.