Health Care for Rheumatic Disorders in A Swedish County

Utilization of rheumatological care by individual patients was studied in a Swedish county at all levels of the health care system. Calculated per population at risk, 0.6–0.8% per year were seen for rheumatoid arthritis. Of these, 35–81% were patients at the rheumatology department, varying according to distance of residence from the university hospital. The number of patients with other inflammatory diseases was, however, larger in primary care than in the specialist department. Only a minor part of the total care for rheumatic disorders (Chapt. XIII of ICD) in the county was provided by the rheumatology department. Back disorders constituted the largest diagnostic group of rheumatic disorders in primary care. During a period of one year a total of 12–14% of the population had contact with primary care, of the district hospital and/or the rheumatology department, because of rheumatic disorders. The results show the value of epidemiological studies to follow the development of and to define the future objectives of rheumatological care.