A new three-dimensional k·p model for the electronic structure of A15 compounds is presented. The model is based upon the sixfold degenerate electronic bands with symmetry R(4) of space group Oh3. The Hamiltonian is constructed by using a generalized k·p method: this employs the relevant Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for R(4) R(4), and simplifications were made to enable calculations to be performed. The density of states obtained shows an enhancement in a relatively narrow energy range. Several physical properties were calculated in the cubic phase with very good agreement with experimental results; these are the temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility and temperature-dependent shear-mode elastic constant in the range of 300K>T>Tm. The calculated effect of magnetic field on the shear-mode sound velocity and on the structural transition temperature Tm is in satisfactory agreement with experiment. The tetragonal distortion at Tm is estimated. This model differs from previous models in not using one-dimensionality, quasi-one-dimensionality, or a tight-binding approximation.