31P chemical shift and relaxation study of the pseudo-one-dimensional ferroelectric transition in CsD2PO4

The 31P chemical shift tensors σ have been determined above and below Tc. The spin–lattice relaxation time T1 (31P) was measured as a function of temperature at 109.3 and 36.4 MHz. The paraelectric 31P chemical shift tensor was found to be the average of the two tensors observed in the ferroelectric phase. This shows that the phase transition is triggered by the ordering of the O–H(2) ⋅⋅⋅O deuterons. The intrinsic O–H(2) ⋅⋅⋅O deuteron intrabond jump time is, in the absence of the interactions, of the same order as in KD2PO4. The anomalously short T1 (31P) is the result of an ’’anisotropy slowing down’’ of the order parameter fluctuations due to the pseudo‐one dimensional nature of correlations in CsD2PO4.