Insecticidal dusts containing benzene hexachloride were highly toxic to honeybees. The MLD''s for 3% gamma benzene hexachloride-40% S and of 3% gamma benzene hexachloride-5% DDT-40% S were 2.3 and 1.9 lbs./acre, respectively. 5% DDT-82% S gave a MLD of 9.6 lbs./ acre. The toxicity of 10% chlordane-40% S varied greatly with the temp. At temps. below 76[degree] F chlordane was only slightly toxic, the MLD being 29.95 lbs./acre, but at 86[degree]F its toxicity increased greatly. Toxaphene was practically non-toxic, 20% toxaphene-40% S giving only a 5% mortality at 36 lbs./acre.

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