Transmural electrical stimulation of the isolated portal vein of the rabbit was accompanied by the release of a prostaglandin-like substance (PLS). Thin layer chromatography coupled with bioassay indicated that this substance was probably prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). 2 Indomethacin potentiated the response of the portal vein to electrical stimulation at 2 Hz and abolished the release of the PLS. 3 There was no significant change in the amount of PLS released from the portal vein in response to electrical stimulation at 2 Hz when the contractile response of the portal vein was prevented by pretreatment with phentolamine or guanthidine. 4 In vitro denervation of the portal vein with 6-hydroxydopamine or the omission of Ca2+ from the bathing solution caused a significant reduction in the amount of PLS released from the portal vein in response to electrical stimulation at 2 hertz. 5 It is concluded that electrical stimulation of the isolated portal vein of the rabbit is accompanied by the release of a PLS, probably PGE2, from a neuronal source. The synthesis and release of the PLS is Ca2+ -dependent.