The termination of centrifugal fibres in the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb

The termination of the centrifugal fibres running in the lateral olfactory tract to the glomerular layer of the rat olfactory bulb has been determined with the electron microscope; this has been done with material perfused at various times after section of the lateral olfactory tract, as well as after a combination of this lesion with the long-term degeneration of olfactory nerves. The axon terminals are sparse at the glomerular level, but undergo typical degenerative changes; they are distributed solely in the periglomerular region and intermediate zone. The most common post-synaptic profiles are the processes of periglomerular cells, but a few centrifugal fibres terminate on short-axon, tufted and mitral cell dendrites. Evidence is produced to suggest that the anterior olfactory nucleus does not project as far as the glomerular layer. The findings are discussed in relation to previous studies with normal material and silver degeneration methods on similar experimental material; the functional implications of the centrifugal pathways in the bulb are briefly discussed.