Compensatory Stepping: The Biomechanics of a Preferred Response Among Older Adults

The purpose of this study was to evaluate age-related differences in the mechanics of the compensatory stepping response to balance threats. A moving platform was used to disturb the balance of 16 younger (21 to 35 years) and 19 older (68 to 88 years) adults. Backward platform translations consisted of 15-cm displacements with peak accelerations ranging from 9.4 to 15.2 m/s2. Older adults were more likely to use a step to recover balance and stepped at lower perturbation magnitudes than younger adults. Group differences were not found in time to step initiation or segmental momentum. The lack of group differences in momentum revealed that lower perturbation accelerations created an equivalent or greater magnitude of body motion in older adults compared to higher accelerations experienced by younger adults. Older adults also showed a reduced ability to attenuate the input acceleration and experienced significantly greater linear acceleration of the head.