Expansions for Markov-modulated systems and approximations of ruin probability

LetNbe a stationary Markov-modulated marked point process on ℝ with intensityβand consider a real-valued functionalψ(N). In this paper we study expansions of the form(N) =a0+βa1+ ·· ·+ (β)nan+o((β)n) forβ→ 0. Formulas for the coefficientsaiare derived in terms of factorial moment measures ofN. We computea1anda2for the probability of ruinφuwith initial capitalufor the risk process in the Markov-modulated environment;a0= 0. Moreover, we give a sufficient condition forϕuto be an analytic function ofβ. We allow the premium rate functionp(x) to depend on the actual risk reserve.

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