Collider Signature of Bulk Neutrinos in Large Extra Dimensions

We consider the collider signature of right-handed neutrinos propagating in $\delta$ (large) extra dimensions, and interacting with Standard Model fields only through a Yukawa coupling to the left-handed neutrino and the Higgs boson. These theories are attractive as they can explain the smallness of the neutrino mass, as has already been shown. We show that if $\delta$ is bigger than two, it can result in an enhancement in the production rate of the Higgs boson, decaying either invisibly or to a $b$ anti-$b$ quark pair, associated with an isolated high $p_T$ charged lepton and missing transverse energy at future hadron colliders, such as the LHC. The enhancement is due to the large number of Kaluza-Klein neutrinos produced in the final state. The observation of the signal event would provide an opportunity to distinguish between the normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchies, and to determine the absolute scale of neutrino masses by measuring the asymmetry of the observed event numbers in the electron and muon channels.

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