1. The effect of the K+ channel agonist BRL 34915 on membrane conductance was investigated in isolated guinea-pig cardiac myocytes. 2. BRL 34915 reduced the duration of the transmembrane action potential and slightly increased the membrane resting potential in a concentration-dependent manner. 3. BRL 34915 removed the rectification in the steady-state current-voltage relationship. At membrane potentials more negative than the K+ equilibrium potential, membrane conductance was reduced. In the presence of 10−4 mol/l BRL 34915, the current-voltage relationship was linear, i.e. of an ohmic type. 4. The BRL 34915-mediated change in membrane conductance was susceptible to the K+ channel blockers BaCl2 and tetrahydroaminoacridine. 5. In conclusion, BRL 34915 modifies K+ conductance in the cardiac cell membrane. The precise nature of the K+ conductance change remains to be elucidated.