Status of global fits to neutrino oscillations

We review the present status of global analyses of neutrino oscillations, taking into account the most recent neutrino data and state-of-the-art solar and atmospheric neutrino flux calculations. We give the two-neutrino solar + KamLAND results, as well as two-neutrino atmospheric + K2K oscillation regions, discussing in each case the robustness of the oscillation interpretation against departures from the Standard Solar Model and the possible existence of non-standard neutrino physics. Furthermore, we give the best fit values and allowed ranges of the three--flavour oscillation parameters from the current worlds' global neutrino data sample and discuss in detail the status of the small parameters $\alpha \equiv \Dms/\Dma$ as well as $\sin^2\theta_{13}$, which characterize the strength of CP violating effects in neutrino oscillations. We also update the degree of rejection of four-neutrino interpretations of the LSND anomaly in view of the most recent developments.

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