Epithelial polyps of the prostatic urethra

Epithelial polyps of the [human] prostatic urethra are an uncommon and histologically heterogeneous group of lesions. The clinical and histologic features of a series of 7 such polyps were reviewed. Six were composed of prostatic-type epithelium. In 5 instances the epithelium was entirely histologically identical to that of normal prostate. One case contained foci of stratified, mitotically active cells, suggesting adenomatous transformation. All 6 stained intensely for both prostatic acid phosphatase and prostatic specific antigen. The 7th polyp was cytologically different. It was composed of flattened to cuboidal cells that did not stain for either antigen. All patients were treated by transurethral excision, and none of the 6 with follow-up developed a recurrence.