Higher-order critical phenomena in ND4Cl

The behavior of the length L and the piezoelectric constant d14 of ND4Cl single crystals in the vicinity of the order-disorder transition has been investigated at 1 atm. In the absence of complications associated with changes in the domain structure, the value of d14 is directly proportional to the order parameter Ψ. A laser interferometric technique, capable of detecting piezoelectrically induced vibrations as small as 4×1012 cm, made it possible to follow the variation in Ψ very close to the transition. The temperature variation of L and d14 in the ordered phase determines the critical exponents α and β. Two ND4Cl samples cut from the same 99.2% deuterated crystal gave the least-squares values α=0.69±0.06 and β=0.126±0.006 with Tc=249.690±0.030 K for sample A and Tc=249.725±0.025 K for sample B.