Electron paramagnetic resonance of an iron-associated defect in AgGaS2

A detailed EPR study of a new center appearing in iron-contaminated AgGaS2 crystals after band-to-band photoexitation and having a nearly isotropic g value of 4.3±0.15 is reported. To interpret the experimental results, by analogy with the iron defects observed in II-VI compounds, we fit the S6 manifold of states with a spin Hamiltonian of the form: H=gβB·S+D[Sz213S(S+1)]+E(Sx2Sy2). Several possible atomic defect configurations are given; among these, one would be the analog of the Fe3+-X centers observed in II-VI compounds taking into account the cation ordering of the chalcopyrite structure. Although the chemical nature of X could not be identified in the present case, these results seem to corroborate the close analogy among the defects occuring in II-VI and I-III-VI2 compounds.