Taking the solar and the atmospheric neutrino experiments into account we discuss the lepton flavor violating processes, such as τμγ or μeγ, in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with right-handed neutrinos (MSSMRN) and the supersymmetric SU(5) grand unified theory with right-handed neutrinos [SU(5)RN]. The predicted branching ratio of μeγ in the MSSMRN with the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) large angle solution is so large that it goes beyond the current experimental bound if the second-generation right-handed Majorana mass Mν2 is greater than 1013(1014)GeV for tanβ=30(3). When we take the MSW small angle solution, the μeγ rate is at most about 1/100 of that of the MSW large angle solution. The “just so” solution implies 105 of that of the MSW large angle solution. Also, in the SU(5)RN the large μeγ rate naturally follows from the MSW large angle solution, and the predicted rate is beyond the current experimental bound if the typical right-handed Majorana mass MN is larger than 1013(1014)GeV for tanβ=30(3), similarly to the MSSMRN. We show the multimass insertion formulas and their applications to τμγ and μeγ.