Experiments are described in which Ca efflux is monitored in axons under voltage clamp. As Ca efflux consists of more than one component, conditions were sought where one component predominates. Thus external Na‐dependent Ca efflux can be studied in relative isolation either at pH 9.0 or in fully poisoned axons immersed in Ca‐free media; external Ca‐dependent Ca efflux can be studied in fully poisoned axons immersed in Na‐free media and the Na‐independent, energy requiring, pump is best examined in Na and Ca‐free sea waters. Both in unpoisoned axons at pH 9.0 and fully poisoned axons at pH 7.8, the external Na‐dependent Ca efflux is activated by hyperpolarization and inhibited by depolarization. Depolarizations achieved either electrically or by exposure to high K are roughly comparable and the inhibition brought about by high K can largely be removed by electrical hyperpolarization to the initial resting potential. In both Na sea waters and choline sea waters containing 100 mM‐Na, Ca efflux is increased e‐fold over approximately 50 mV. In choline sea water, external Ca‐dependent Ca efflux from fully poisoned axons is unaffected by voltage over the range ‐80 to ‐30 mV. But addition of K or Li activates the flux and this activation is increased by hyperpolarization and decreased by depolarization, suggesting that the activating cation may also be transported into the axon. The Na‐independent, energy‐requiring, flux is inhibited by electrical hyperpolarization and stimulated by electrical depolarization. External K also stimulates the flux and part of this stimulation can be removed by electrical hyperpolarization. These data show that the energy‐dependent pump is sensitive to membrane potential in the physiological range and suggest that it may be an electrogenic process. The finding that voltage affects the energy‐dependent (uncoupled) pump and external Na‐dependent fluxes in opposite directions may help explain why the total Ca efflux from intact axons responds to potential in a very variable manner.