The Isotope Effect of Electromigration in Some Solid Alkali Halides

The isotope effect of electromigration in some solid alkali halides was determined in their intrinsic ionic conductivity region. The external cationic mass effect (i. e., relative difference in cationic mobility/relative difference in mass) of lithium fluoride, chloride, bromide and iodide and potassium chloride was -0.243, -0.207, -0.195, -0.190 and -0.254, respectively, at 750, 540, 470, 370 and 600 °C, respectively. No difference of the mass effect was found between polycrystalline and single crystal potassium chloride. When the available data for the mass effect of the solid salts are plotted against the activation energy for electric conductance, there is a tendency for the mass effect to increase as the activation energy increases.