The equations of motion were used to develop a one-dimensional, nonbuoyant mathematical model of air flow within vegetative canopies. The model consists of equations for mean horizontal momentum, Reynolds stress, and for the three components of turbulent kinetic energy with closure achieved by parameterizing the higher order terms. This eliminates the need to model the Reynolds stress directly using an eddy viscosity. The closure schemes rely upon a prescribed length scale and have been used elsewhere in modeling the atmospheric boundary layer free of vegetation. The equations were solved numerically using specified boundary conditions. Using a profile of plant area density for a crop of corn (Zea mays L.) the model predicted mean wind velocity, Reynolds stress and turbulent intensities for the region from the soil surface to twice the canopy height that compare well with experimental measurements (Shaw et al., 1974a,b). The model is believed to overestimate the intensity of turbulence generated ... Abstract The equations of motion were used to develop a one-dimensional, nonbuoyant mathematical model of air flow within vegetative canopies. The model consists of equations for mean horizontal momentum, Reynolds stress, and for the three components of turbulent kinetic energy with closure achieved by parameterizing the higher order terms. This eliminates the need to model the Reynolds stress directly using an eddy viscosity. The closure schemes rely upon a prescribed length scale and have been used elsewhere in modeling the atmospheric boundary layer free of vegetation. The equations were solved numerically using specified boundary conditions. Using a profile of plant area density for a crop of corn (Zea mays L.) the model predicted mean wind velocity, Reynolds stress and turbulent intensities for the region from the soil surface to twice the canopy height that compare well with experimental measurements (Shaw et al., 1974a,b). The model is believed to overestimate the intensity of turbulence generated ...