Ultrastructure of Mast Cells in Rat Ocular Tissue Undergoing Anaphylaxis

• In a study of ocular tissues undergoing anaphylaxis, in uninjected rats most mast cells contained electron-dense granules with no discernible internal structure. A few cells showed varying degrees of swelling of the matrix granules. In rats injected with normal rabbit serum, more mast cells showed swelling of the granule matrix and a few showed extensive swelling of nearly all granules. Mast cells from rats undergoing anaphylaxis by either anti-lgE or antigen injection showed membrane and granule alterations: extensive dendritic processes, fusion of granule membranes, fusion between granule and plasma membranes, and disruption of plasma membranes. Communication was established between the exterior of the cell and contents of individual granules of cisternae formed by several fused granules. The matrix of nearly all granules was extensively swollen.