Ficolin is characterized by the presence of both collagen-like and fibrinogen-like sequences, and potentially has a similar overall structure as the complement protein C1q and the collectins. Previous studies have reported the presence of human ficolin mRNA predominantly in peripheral blood leucocytes. In the present study, the cellular origin of human ficolin was investigated in further detail. Preliminary studies using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed that ficolin mRNA was synthesized by U937 cells, a human monocyte cell line. This finding suggested that blood monocytes also normally synthesize human ficolin. Peripheral blood monocytes from adult human donors were harvested at serial time-points (0-20 hr) after adhesion to tissue culture plates, and total RNA was isolated and assayed for ficolin mRNA by RT-PCR. Ficolin mRNA was highly expressed in monocytes throughout the first 20 hr of adhesion. In contrast, C1q and mannose receptor mRNA were not detectable during the first 8 hr of adhesion, but were highly expressed by 20 hr. Cells were harvested at longer time intervals (1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days) to determine whether ficolin expression was temporally regulated at later stages of monocyte differentiation. Ficolin mRNA levels decreased sharply from day 1 to day 6. In contrast, the levels of both C1q and mannose receptor mRNA showed no changing trend. These results are consistent with the absence of ficolin expression in many macrophage-rich tissues previously reported. The origin of ficolin from monocytes, together with its structural similarity to C1q and the collectins, raises the possibility that ficolin may be another plasma protein capable of binding to surface structures of micro-organisms. Escherichia coli was therefore incubated with human serum, and bound proteins, after elution with sugars, were analysed by Western blotting using an antiserum raised against a synthetic ficolin peptide. The antiserum identified a polypeptide of approximately 42000 MW, which is similar in size to that of ficolin as predicted from its cDNA-derived sequence.