Serum S-100B Protein as a Prognostic Marker in Malignant Cutaneous Melanoma

PURPOSE: To evaluate whether S-100B protein in serum is an independent prognostic marker in malignant melanoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: S-100B protein in serum was analyzed in 1,007 consecutive patients with histologically verified cutaneous malignant melanoma. At the time of blood sampling, 876 patients were in clinical stage I, 35 were in stage II, and 96 were in stage III. The serum concentrations of S-100B protein were measured by a luminescence immunoassay (LIA). RESULTS: The mean serum concentration of S-100B protein was significantly related to clinical stage, with the lowest level in stage I and the highest in stage III. In a multivariate analysis, S-100B protein levels in serum showed the strongest prognostic impact of the factors analyzed with respect to disease-specific survival in clinical stages II to III, followed by clinical stage. Serum S-100B protein was not a significant independent prognostic factor in clinical stage I, where tumor thickness showed the strongest relation to melanoma-specific survival, followed by ulceration and satellites. CONCLUSION: This investigation contains the largest material of patients so far analyzed with the new LIA assay of S-100B protein in serum and confirms that S-100B protein in serum is correlated with clinical stage and is an independent prognostic marker in clinical stages II and III.