Antigenic interrelationship between the 40‐kilodalton cytokeratin polypeptide and desmoplakins

We describe here antigenic cross‐reactivity between the human 40‐kilodalton cytokeratin polypeptide [Moll et al] and components of bovine desmosomal plaque, namely desmoplakins I and II. This relationship was revealed by an antibody (KM 4.62), raised against cytoskeletal preparation of cultured human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF‐7) and selected by immunoblotting and immunofluorescent labeling. In cultured human cells that contain the 40‐kD cytokeratin, antibody KM 4.62 labeled arrays of filaments throughout the cytoplasm. This antibody labeled the basal layer of nonkeratinizing squamous epithelia as well as various simple (normal and malignant) epithelia and epithelial elements of the thymus. In liver tissue, labeling was obtained only in bile ducts and canaliculi but not in the hepatocytes. In bovine cells and tissues, on the other hand, immunofluorescent labeling with antibody KM 4.62 was strictly confined to desmosomes. This was verified by double immunolabeling with both antibody KM 4.62 and specific cytokeratin or desmosomal antibodies. Immunoblotting analysis indicated that the former antibody reacts specifically with the high molecular weight components of the bovine desmosomal plaque, namely desmoplakins I and II. These immunochemical results suggest that bovine desmoplakins share same structural relationship with the human acidic, 40‐kD cytokeratin.