Review—Vortex Shedding Lock-on and Flow Control in Bluff Body Wakes

The results of recent experiments demonstrate that the phenomenon of vortex shedding resonance or lock-on is observed also when a bluff body is placed in an incident mean flow with a periodic component superimposed upon it. This form of vortex shedding and lock-on exhibits a particularly strong resonance between the flow perturbations and the vortices, and provides one of several promising means for modification and control of the basic formation and stability mechanisms in the near-wake of a bluff body. Examples are given of recent direct numerical simulations of the vortex lock-on in the periodic flow. These agree well with the results of experiments. A discussion also is given of vortex lock-on due to body oscillations both normal to and in-line with the incident mean flow, rotational oscillations of the body, and of the effect of sound on lock-on. The lock-on phenomenon is discussed in the overall context of active and passive wake control, on the basis of these and other recent and related results, with particular emphasis placed on active control of the circular cylinder wake.

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