Aggregation pheromone of the deodar weevll,Pissodes nemorensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): Isolation and activity of grandisol and grandisal

The bark weevilPissodes nemorensis, a pest of pines and exotic cedars in the southeastern United States, utilizes a male-produced aggregation pheromone. The presumed pheromone components, grandisol (cis-2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutaneethanol) and its corresponding aldehyde, grandisal, were isolated from extracts of male volatiles and male hindguts. A field test in northern Florida showed that the combination of grandisol, grandisal, and slash pine (Pinus elliottii) bolts acted synergistically to attract large numbers of male and femaleP. nemorensis. These components deployed in various paired combinations were not as attractive as the tripartite mixture. There was no evidence that flying weevils were attracted to unbaited pine bolts. The aggregation pheromone forP. nemorensis appears to be similar to that of a parapatric sibling species,P. approximatus.