The dynamic adsorption of xenon from xenon-helium mixtures has been investigated on a small charcoal bed by measuring the shape and position of breakthrough curves as a function of flow rate, concentration, and bed temperature. Flow rates in the range 500 to 3000 cc/mln were put through an activated charcoal bed 10.5 in. long by 1.38 in. in dismeter. The inlet concentration varied from 0.02 to 1% xenon and the bed temperature from 25 to 100 deg C. TWo different bed materlals were investigated, Columbia grades HCC 12/28- mesh and CXC 6/8-mesh. The data are discussed in terms of the rate of adsorption in the bed and rate of introduction to the bed, and it is concluded that at flow rates above 2000 cc/min activated diffusion in the indivdual particles is the controlling rate mechanism. A comparison of the experimental data with the equations of . Jury and Glueckauf shOws good agreement. (auth)

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