Effect of pH on the efficiency of growth by pure cultures of rumen bacteria in continuous culture

A total of 10 strains of rumen bacteria, Selenomonas ruminantium HD4, Megasphaera elsdenii B159, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens A38, Streptococcus bovis JB1, Lactobacillus vitulinus GA1, Bacteroides ruminicola B14, B. ruminicola GA33, Ruminococcus albus 7, Ruminococcus flavefaciens C94, and Bacteroides succinogenes S85, were grown in energy-limiteH of the medium reservoir was lowered approximately 0.3 pH units, and the energy source concentration remaining in the culture vessel, optical density, cell mass, and pH were determined. A low pH appeared to have a detrimental effect on cell yields. Large variations were seen among strains in both the magnitude of yield depressions at lower pH values and in the pH at which the culture washed out. Lactate analysis indicated ta are discussed in relation to the effect of pH on the efficiency of protein synthesis in the rumen and rumen microbial ecology.