Quantum coherence and classical chaos in a pulsed parametric oscillator with a Kerr nonlinearity

We consider a parametric amplifier driven by a periodically pulsed pump field inside a cavity containing a Kerr nonlinearity. The dynamics of the device is modeled as a kicked nonlinear system. The pulsed parametric amplifier constitutes the kick. In between kicks the dynamics is determined by the Kerr nonlinearity and damping. In the absence of damping, a classical description of the device exhibits a rich phase-space structure including fixed points of multiple period and chaos. We contrast the classical behavior of the mean intensity with that predicted by quantum dynamics. The mean photon number inside the cavity is shown to undergo regular collapse and revival in the regular region of the phase space and irregular revivals in the chaotic region. When damping is included, the quantum recurrences are rapidly suppressed, and the classical behavior is restored. In this case a stable steady state is possible. The damping represents the effect of photon-number measurements on the system. We also discuss the photon statistics in the steady state.

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