Prenatal diagnosis of pyruvate dehydrogenase E1α subunit deficiency

Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) E1 alpha subunit deficiency is an X-linked inborn error of metabolism affecting males and females with equal frequency. The diagnosis is usually based on determination of enzyme activity, although this may present difficulties in some females because of X-inactivation patterns favouring expression of the normal X chromosome. This is a particular problem for prenatal diagnosis using chorionic villus cells where normal enzyme assay results do not necessarily exclude the diagnosis and confirmatory X-inactivation analysis may be complicated by variable methylation of active and inactive X chromosomes. We describe prenatal diagnosis in two pregnancies in a family following diagnosis of a PDH E1 alpha deficient male. The first prenatal diagnosis was performed by enzyme assay, but by the time of the subsequent pregnancy, the underlying mutation in the affected male had been identified and direct gene analysis was possible. This study highlights the limitations of diagnosis of PDH E1 alpha deficiency based on measurement of the gene product and illustrates the need for mutation analysis in affected individuals.