The deformation of inviscid and slightly viscous drops is studied using slender-body theory. The imposed axisymmetric flow is a combination of a linear extensional flow, with velocity uz = G1 z along the axis of symmetry, together with a cubic flow uz = G3z3. When G3/G1 is sufficiently small the viscous drop breaks in a manner similar to that described by Acrivos & Lo (1978). For larger G3 > 0 the drop breaks by a rapid growth at its end. Steady-state experiments in a 4-roll mill show the ejection of a column of liquid from the tip of the drop, though this is probably caused by a change in the pressure gradient rather than the mechanism described above. The ejected column then breaks into droplets via the Rayleigh instability. It is hypothesized that one or other of these mechanisms corresponds to tip streaming as observed by Taylor (1934).

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