Two new genera arc proposed to include four of the species excluded from Gingidium J. R. and O. Forst. by Dawson in 1967. Lignocarpa comprises L. carnosula (Hook, f.) Dawson and L. diversifolia (Cheesem.) Dawson. The genus is restricted to New Zealand and therein to mountain screes in the northern half of the South Island. It is chiefly distinguished by the woody Endocarp of the mericarps, in combination with axillary inflorescences, gynodioe-cism, and rudimentary petals and staminodes in the female flowers. Scandia comprises S. geniculata (Forst. f.) Dawson and S. rosaefolia (Hook, f.) Dawson. This genus also is restricted to New Zealand. Both spccies are found m coastal or low-altitude inland habitats, S. rosaefolia in northern and central parts of the North Island and S. geniculata in the southern part of the North Island and in the east of the South Island. The genus is distinguished by the elongated internodes and associated semi-climbing habit of the vegetative stems, in combination with terminal inflorescences, gynodioecism. rudimentary staminodes in the female flowers, and pollen form.

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