Over-representation of PPARgamma sequence variants in sporadic cases of glioblastoma multiforme: preliminary evidence for common low penetrance modifiers for brain tumour risk in the general population

PPARγ, the gamma isoform of a family of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors, plays a key role in adipocyte differentiation. Recently, its broad expression in multiple tissues and several epithelial cancers has been shown. Further, somatic loss of function mutations in PPARγ have been found in primary colorectal carcinomas. We sought to determine if somatic high penetrance mutations in this gene might also play a role in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). We also examined this gene to determine if common low penetrance polymorphic alleles might lend low level susceptibility to GBM in the general population. No somatic high penetrance mutations were detected in 96 sporadic GBMs. However, polymorphic alleles at codons 12 and 449 were significantly over-represented among the 27 unrelated American patients with sporadic GBM compared to 80 race matched controls. While nine (33%) were heterozygous for the P12A variant, c.34C/G (cytosine to guanine change at nucleotide 34), 12 (15%) controls were heterozygous for P12A (pPPARγ polymorphisms may be acting in a low penetrance predisposing manner. However, these associations were not found in a German population, possibly arguing that if these variants are in linkage disequilibrium with a third locus, then this effect is relatively new, after the settlement of the American colonies.