Parasternal mediastinal sonography: sensitivity in the detection of anterior mediastinal and subcarinal tumors

Twenty-seven patients with anterior mediastinal and subcarinal mediastinal tumors confirmed by CT and 30 control subjects were prospectively investigated by sonography performed via a parasternal approach in both decubitus positions. The sonograms and CT scans were interpreted blindly by two investigators and the results of the two procedures were compared. In the group of 30 controls, sonography via the right parasternal approach showed the anterior mediastinum in 29 (97%) and the subcarinal space in 27 (90%). Fifteen (94%) of 16 anterior mediastinal tumors and 16 (94%) of 17 subcarinal tumors were identified sonographically. These results show that parasternal sonography is a sensitive technique for the detection of tumors in the anterior mediastinal and subcarinal mediastinal spaces.