The Missouri River Hydrosystem

Recent political initiatives, expanding knowledge regarding river science, and degraded conditions of fisheries and shellfisheries in the Mississippi River Basin have provided the stimuli to begin restoration of rivers in the basin. The Missouri River is a case in point; lost functions included separation of the floodplain from the channel, loss of the natural hydrograph, curtailment of sediment and organic matter transport, altered temperature regimes and removal of instream cover. We have approached restoration from the perspective that it is essential to recover part of all lost functions rather than to pursue a new direction, acknowledging the profound changes in morphology, because it is our opinion that the native community will be served best by such an approach. It is important to recognize the conditions of fish and wildlife habitat from the pre-dam and pre-channelization period if we are to be effective at restoring these conditions. Early hydrographic surveys were available to achieve ...

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