Histological and biochemical evaluation of osteoblasts cultured on bioactive glass, hydroxylapatite, titanium alloy, and stainless steel

We investigated the behavior of fetal rat osteoblasts cultured on four bone replacing materials: bioactive glass, hydroxylapatite, a titanium alloy, and stainless steel. The cultures were histologically examined for individual cell morphology and osteoblast expression after several periods of time using scanning electron, fluorescence, and normal light microscopy. Other cultures were used for biochemical determinations of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and DNA content. Osteoblasts cultured on bioactive glass showed a better osteoblast‐like morphology and a higher proliferation rate, leading to confluent cultures with higher cell density and a generally better expression of the osteoblast phenotype in comparison with the other substrates. The confluent bioactive glass cultures also showed significantly higher DNA content and APA as well as the calculated APA/DNA ratio. Based on the evaluation of histological and biochemical parameters we conclude that osteoblasts cultured on bioactive glass show a generally better osteoblast character than on the other materials. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.