Mechanism of phage P22 tailspike protein folding mutations

Temperature‐sensitive folding (tsf) and global‐tsf‐suppressor (su) point mutations affect the folding yields of the trimeric, thermostable phage P22 tailspike endorhamnosidase at elevated temperature, both in vivo and in vitro, but they have little effect on function and stability of the native folded protein. To delineate the mechanism by which these mutations modify the partitioning between productive folding and off‐pathway aggregation, the kinetics of refolding after dilution from acid‐urea solutions and the thermal stability of folding intermediates were analyzed. The study included five tsf mutations of varying severity, the two known su mutations, and four tsf/su double mutants.At low temperature (10°C), subunit‐folding rates, measured as an increase in fluorescence, were similar for wild‐type and mutants. At 25°C, however, tsf mutations reduced the rate of subunit folding. The su mutations increased this rate, when present in the tsf‐mutant background, but had no effect in the wild‐type background. Conversely, tsf mutations accelerated, and su mutations retarded the irreversible off‐pathway reaction, as revealed by temperature down‐shifts after varied times during refolding at high temperature (40°C). The kinetic results are consistent with tsf mutations destabilizing and su mutations stabilizing an essential subunit folding intermediate.In accordance with this interpretation, tsf mutations decreased, and su mutations increased the temperature resistance of folding intermediates, as disclosed by temperature up‐shifts during refolding at 25°C. The stabilizing and destabilizing effects were most pronounced early during refolding. However, they were not limited to subunit‐folding intermediates and were also observable during thermal unfolding of the native protein.