The stomach (foregut) of the amphipodBathyporeia sarsiWatkin

The stomach (foregut) of Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin is described and figured and its functioning explained. A pair of pushers at the stomach entrance delivers the food arriving from the. oesophagus to a central cavity. The hepatopancreatic liquid enters a dorsal cavity; from here it washes through the food contents of the central cavity and drains away through an antero-ventral filter I. A postero-ventral pump (1–2 strokes per sec.) connected to filter I recirculates it to the hepatopancreas through a built-in filter II (porosity 0.9 µ). The circulation is rapid. During feeding, the two hepatopancreatic caeca pump alternately, moving the liquid from the one to the other (maximum frequency 1 cycle per 5 sec.).