Organization and chromosomal localization of the gene for the human bombesin receptor subtype expressed in pregnant uterus

The gene encoding the human homologue of the guinea pig uterine bombesin receptor [(1992) Eur. J. Biochem. 208,405] was isolated from a genomic lambda library by the PCR/homology screening approach. The gene spans more than 4 kb and consists of 3 exons and 2 introns. The deduced amino acid sequence shows about 86% identity to that of guinea pig bombesin receptor. This subtype of bombesin receptor is expressed in the pregnant uterus and in two human tumour cell lines, T47D (ductal breast carcinoma) and A431 (epidermal carcinoma). PCR analysis of genomic DNA from human-mouse cell hybrids allows the cloned gene to be localized to the region q26–q28 on chromosome X.