The information concerns of spouses of women with breast cancer: patients’ and spouses’ perspectives

The information concerns of spouses of women with breast cancer: patients’ and spouses’ perspectives¶ A user-centred study employing focus group methodology was conducted in the United Kingdom in order to establish the key information concerns of spouses of women with breast cancer from both patients’ and spouses’ perspectives. Four unstructured focus group discussions were convened, three with women with breast cancer (n = 11, n = 7 and n = 12) and one with spouses (n = 9). The discussions were audio-taped and transcribed in full. All transcripts were analysed manually using theme analysis and considered patterns common to the data. Themes were established and corresponding quotations used to support all themes. Emergent themes were grouped into the following categories: information needs of spouses; sources of information for spouses; and family information. Several important points emerged within each of these categories and these are discussed. Validity was established by participant evaluation of the findings. Findings clearly indicate the key information concerns of spouses from patients’ and spouses’ perspectives. These findings are of value to health care professionals and have a number of nursing implications. The study also highlights particular areas where further research and development are needed.