Convective influence on the stability of a cylindrical solid–liquid interface

Experiments in which a long vertical, heated wire is surrounded by concentric annuli of a melt and its crystalline solid show that the convection state changes from a stable unicell surrounded by a stationary cylindrical solid–liquid interface, to a complex time-dependent flow surrounded by a rotating, helical solid–liquid interface. This transition occurs at a Grashof number of approximately 150, which is an order of magnitude less than the critical Grashof number calculated for a liquid annulus surrounded by rigid walls. A linear stability analysis has been carried out for an infinitely tall vertical annulus. When the deformable nature of the crystal–melt interface is taken into account in the boundary conditions, two new modes of instability arise. The most dangerous mode is asymmetrical and corresponds to helical waves travelling vertically upwards. The critical Grashof number and the scaling properties of the eigenstate agree with experiments. The results clearly demonstrate the coupling of convection with crystal–melt interfacial instabilities.