The pattern of aldosterone biosynthesis in solitary (primary) adrenal cortical adenomata and in nodular adrenal hyperplasia in patients exhibiting Conn's-syndrome was studied by incubation in the presence of 4-14C-progesterone. The production of radioactive aldosterone and 18-hydroxycorticosterone in solitary adenomata was considerably higher than in the surrounding tissue, indicating increased 18-hydroxylase activity. This could be responsible for the hypersecretion of aldosterone in Conn's-syndrome due to primary adenoma. The formation of 14C-aldosterone and 14C-18-OH-corticosterone in adrenal tissue with micro-or macronodular hyperplasia was minimal, indicating an absence of the substrate (corticosterone) specific 18-hydroxylase hyperactivity. The mechanism of the hyperaldosteronism in patients with nodular hyperplastic adrenal, is not clear. Two possibilities are discussed: hyperfunction of the synthesis in a phase prior to progesterone. hyperactivity of the biosynthesis pathways of aldosterone bypassing progesterone and corticosterone.

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