Calcium Homeostasis and Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Cells Transformed by Mitochondria from Individuals with Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with defects in mitochondrial function. Mitochondrial-based disturbances in calcium homeostasis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and amyloid metabolism have been implicated in the pathophysiology of sporadic AD. The cellular consequences of mitochondrial dysfunction, however, are not known. To examine these consequences, mitochondrially transformed cells (cybrids) were created from AD patients or disease-free controls. Mitochondria from platelets were fused to ρ0cells created by depleting the human neuroblastoma line SH-SY5Y of its mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). AD cybrids demonstrated a 52% decrease in electron transport chain (ETC) complex IV activity but no difference in complex I activity compared with control cybrids or SH-SY5Y cells. This mitochondrial dysfunction suggests a transferable mtDNA defect associated with AD. ROS generation was elevated in the AD cybrids. AD cybrids also displayed an increased basal cytosolic calcium concentration and enhanced sensitivity to inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3)-mediated release. Furthermore, they recovered more slowly from an elevation in cytosolic calcium induced by the InsP3agonist carbachol. Mitochondrial calcium buffering plays a major role after this type of perturbation. β-amyloid (25–35) peptide delayed the initiation of calcium recovery to a carbachol challenge and slowed the recovery rate. Nerve growth factor reduced the carbachol-induced maximum and moderated the recovery kinetics. Succinate increased ETC activity and partially restored the AD cybrid recovery rate. These subtle alterations in calcium homeostasis and ROS generation might lead to increased susceptibility to cell death under circumstances not ordinarily toxic.