Capture of Electrons by Molecular Ions

The (unimolecular) capture of thermal electrons by diatomic molecular ions through excitation of rotation is considered. Using an approximate form of the Coulomb wave functions, first-order theory, and a point-quadrupole perturbation the cross section for capture of an electron with energy 2k22m into a bound state n (En=Ryn2) is found to be 2π3Q2Enδ(E+|En|+EJEJ+2)25k,2 where Q is the quadrupole moment in units of ea02, and where EJ and EJ+2 are the initial and final rotational energies. The rate of capture of electrons in an ionized gas where Te=Tr=300°K is thus of the order 108-107 cm3/sec. These captures take place into states of very high n which will come into equilibrium (through this and other processes) with the free electrons. It is not expected that these captures will make a significant contribution to the recombination rate but they may help to account for molecular spectra in recombining gases and enhanced rotational temperatures.

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