Structure of the octopine synthase upstream activator sequence.

We have identified a transcriptional activating element within the 5'' flanking sequence of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens octopine synthase (ocs) gene that is necessary for ocs expression in transformed tobacco calli. This element is located between 333 and 116 base pairs upstream from the transcription initiation site and functions independent of orientation when placed upstream of the ocs gene. It does not function in either orientation when placed downstream of the gene, nor can it activate its promoter when separated by a distance of 608 base pairs. Deletion analysis indicates that sequences essential for activator function are localized between 222 and 177 base pairs upstream of the transcription initiation site. Another region, located between 333 and 249 base pairs upstream of the transcription initiation site, does not as a monomer activate the ocs promoter, but it can as a dimer.