PRINTS is a database of protein family 'fingerprints' offering a diagnostic resource for newly-determined sequences. By contrast with PROSITE, which uses single consensus expressions to characterise particular families, PRINTS exploits groups of motifs to build characteristic signatures. These signatures offer improved diagnostic reliability by virtue of the mutual context provided by motif neighbours. To date, 800 fingerprints have been constructed and stored in PRINTS. The current version, 17.0, encodes approximately 4500 motifs, covering a range of globular and membrane proteins, modular polypeptides, and so on. The database is accessible via the UCL Bioinformatics World Wide Web (WWW) Server at http://www. biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/dbbrowser/ . We have recently enhanced the usefulness of PRINTS by making available new, intuitive search software. This allows both individual query sequence and bulk data submission, permitting easy analysis of single sequences or complete genomes. Preliminary results indicate that use of the PRINTS system is able to assign additional functions not found by other methods, and hence offers a useful adjunct to current genome analysis protocols.