Superconvergence relations for vector-meson—baryon scattering are saturated with the baryon octet (B) and decuplet (B*). The sum rules were selected by the infinite-momentum limit and evaluated at zero momentum transfer. Using SU(3) invariance at the vertices and retaining terms to all orders in μ2M2 (μ is the vector-meson mass and M is the baryon mass), a nontrivial solution is obtained for all vector-meson—baryon couplings. For degenerate octet and decuplet masses, this solution is consistent with collinear U(6) symmetry for the vertices and agrees with the corresponding result previously obtained by Oehme on neglecting corrections of order μ2M2 at the 8-10 and 10-10 vertices. If the octet and decuplet mass splittings are retained in a subset of our relations, the deviations from collinear U(6) invariance at the vertices are obtained. Consideration of the ρB scattering processes using only isospin invariance at the vertices and ρ dominance of the isovector form factors leads to broken collinear U(6) relations between the magnetic moments of the baryons. The question of higher intermediate states in the saturation is discussed briefly.