Homogellatos of greon poa leaves have been fractionated difforential oentrifugation. fractions so obtained examined mieroscopioally and assayed for total nitrogen, deoxyribo-, and ribonuclcic acid, stareh. chlorophyll contonj",s, sueeinic dehydrogenase, slwcinoxidase. (t-ketoglntarate cytochrome reductase, cytochrome oxidase. and their oxidative p!JosplJOl'.VJatiOtl adivity. amI photolytic capacity. These studies l'o\'oalod tho pl'osmwe of highly-significant numbers ofbiochomioally-act,ivc mitochondria am! smalJer, non-oxidativo partic!os, containing cytochromo reductase. Both pal't,iclc types were distinet from ehlol'oplasts, or, ehloroplast fragments. The onzyme clistl'iblltiollS almost, identical with those found for e{,jojnted leaves rovealing basic similarity bohvcen dark- and light�grown leaf coils.

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